The way the Democrat kleptocracy is handling the case of Joke Briben is criminal. They say he's incompetent to run for a future election, but is competent to hold the office he "won" less than 4 years ago? It makes no sense in any year, in any location, in any nation, on any planet, in any galaxy in the universe!

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I believe this was all funded by the Clintons and the Obama's!! They all have billions of dollars to buy to whatever means to keep the Democrats in office i.e. the election scandal to begin with,and it's happening again!! Texas has already found over 100,000 immigrant ballots that are fake!!! When will these evil people who think are god, move to Russia or anywhere but here and ruining our country!! Trump got China out of here, he helped Israel and there was peace there!! I've seen videos of our border with long lines of people waiting to go thru border patrol, those people were NOT Hispanic, they were Chinese!! OH yeah!! There should be treason laws against the powers that caused this mess!! Not just Texas but New Mexico, Arizona and California!! OH and don't forget all the Indian reservations in these states they just walk thru. I live in Yuma!! I've seen it on video and in person!!

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Joe has been clearly struggling from before the start of his term. They kept him out of sight as much as possible and the media treated him with kid gloves. That’s not to say that the MSM hasn’t been all about showing deference to the democrats for the last 30 years at least. They were just less obvious. The Obama admin set up such a cultural schism that by 2016 there was no measure of decorum, not even attempted cooperation, respect, NADA. It felt like being shell shocked by 2012. The vitriol and arm twisting tactics were just ugly. HRC was a regular instigator in driving wedges, deflecting responsibility and, as with Kamala, her staff hated her as First Lady and then as secy of state. Though I think Kamala wins the WW of the W as like 90+% of her staff just quit. She can’t get through even a half hour interview or press conference (where she has to field unrehearsed questions) and is just a little left of Stalin. She and Chavez should get along great. The law fare has been another unforgivable departure from American tradition. The saber rattling about trying to find ways to subvert SCOTUS is another tell tale sign that they clearly believe the ends justify the means. Rules are for thee , yada yada. That’s a mentality that should have been corrected in elementary school. Not congress. Before we consider term limits for SCOTUS we should establish them for congress. Somehow I think if they were faced with limiting their own stranglehold to achieve more power, the whole issue would just go away.

This is a scary-ish moment for America. But we’re tough. It’s not just here though, the whole bloody lot of western society has been steadily marching toward a very high cliff. We’ll see.

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