Well said Sam. The left does a daily jig as we squabble amongst ourselves instead of gathering our troops to beat these demons in 2024. This infighting merely diverts and diminishes our energy and efforts. They pose as "patriots" . . . but they only deliver a demonstrably weaker GOP. . . they claim the authority of WTP but demand , like tyrants absolute allegiance to their numerous splinter groups and their self promoting, self aggrandizing false prophets of patriotism.

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The devil’s favorite and founding sin.

Malcontents that want to reshape and reinvent the GOP in their own image. They fancy themselves the “ real conservatives” and label everyone before them "RINO" or "establishment" . They are the New Republican Order AKA the Republican Party Network and multiple other incarnations that they have created to usurp the GOP.

One of these false prophets of patriotism (FPP) recently came right out of the closet and admitted that they want to rewrite the constitution-- oh excuse me-- they call it “restoring the constitution” that the “founding generation” created and they want to destroy the great emancipator Abraham Lincoln’s “myth” who they accuse of destroying our “Constitutional Federal Republic”

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Sam, you also left off that the authority to seize the machines lawfully and peacefully is also under the authority of WE THE PEOPLE

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Sam Stone posts glorious rant calling me an idiot and demanding I be censured, without realizing he says he thinks all my ideas are great. He doesn't realize by his encouraging censure of me, it also disproves his own point. All the post does is make Sam look like the idiot as he shills for the establishment. I greatly acknowledge Christian Lamar and all his work. The reality is it is the will of WE THE PEOPLE and just like MAGA is not about one person, the movement to hold our elected representatives accountable for violating their oath is not all about one person. Thank you Christian and team for continued education and support as the TRUTH and efforts to save Arizona and America from the swamp and RINOs continues to grow.

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He said your ideas had merit, but not in the current environment. I agree, when was the last time you saw Democrats attacking their own like this. They are united, Against us.

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